Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Echo Johnson, Echo Leta Johnson
- Born: January 1974
- Birthplace:
United States of America
- First Seen: 2001
- Last Seen: 2011
- Measurements: 36B-23-33
- Body Type: Normal
- Height: 170 cm, 5 ft 7 in
- Piercings: None
- Hair Colour: Fair
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Breasts: Medium (Real)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media:
- Tattoos: None
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Alesha M. Oreskovich (x4), Barbara Moore (x3), Carrie Westcott (x3), Irina Voronina (x3), Jodi Ann Paterson (x3), Angel Boris (x3), Laura Cover (x3), Kalin Olson (x3), Jessa Lynn Hinton (x2), Charis Boyle (x2), Nicole Narain (x2), Lindsey Vuolo (x2), Ashlee Jae (x2), Morena Corwin (x2), Jessica Lee (x2), Victoria Silvstedt (x2), Kimberly Donley (x2), Nicole Wood (x2), Priscilla Lee Taylor (x2), Rachel Jeán Marteen (x2), Devin Devasquez (x2), Petra Verkaik (x2), Elke Jeinsen (x2), Buffy Tyler (x1), Cara Michelle (x1), Jennifer Walcott (x1), Lani Todd (x1), Miriam Gonzalez (x1), Heather Spytek (x1), Raquel Gibson (x1), Nichole Van Croft (x1), Christina L Santiago (x1), Shallan Meiers (x1), Brooke Berry (x1), Christi Shake (x1), Sydney Moon (x1), Rhonda Adams (x1), Lisa Marie Scott (x1), Brittany Evans (x1), Anna Marie Goddard (x1), Abigail Toyne (x1), Victoria Zdrok (x1), Victoria Fuller (x1), Neriah Davis (x1), Dalene Kurtis (x1), Neferteri Shepherd (x1), Heather Kozar (x1), Amanda Hanshaw (x1), Angela Melini (x1), Anna Rose Chang (x1), Arlene Baxter (x1), Becky DelosSantos (x1), Bonnie Marino (x1), Christina Leardini (x1), Angela Little (x1), Jennifer J. Lavoie (x1), Julianna Young (x1), Leisa Sheridan (x1), Nadine Chanz (x1), Shae Marks (x1), Shauna Sand (x1), Jessica Humphries (x1), Jennifer LeRoy (x1), Nicole Marie Lenz (x1), Alinna D. Penta (x1), Stacy Sanches (x1), Christi Nicole Taylor (x1), Layla Harvest Roberts (x1), Jenny McCarthy (x1), Brandi Bryant (x1), Jami Ferrell (x1), Brie Anna (x1), Suzi Simpson (x1), Gina Patrone (x1), Carrie Jean Yazel (x1), Anika Knudsen (x1), Brooke Richards (x1), Danelle Marie Folta (x1), Jaime Pressly (x1), Karin Taylor (x1), Kerri Kendall (x1), Heidi Lee Hawking (x1)
- Activities: Glamour
- Tags: United States of America , fair hair , medium natural breasts
- Favourite of: 10 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits: Midwest Davey , jackass , Newbie , PaCo
- Appears in Categories: Blondes, Medium Boobs, Natural Breasts
Most Popular Echo Johnson Galleries
PLAYBOY PLUS biography:
As noted by Brian Eno, the qualities of echo can be strange – but from her natural beauty to her kind-hearted dedication to the environment, we just couldn’t love Echo Leta Johnson more. Born in Austin, Texas, honey blonde Echo was raised in Ecuador, and later, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As a former Miss Santa Fe, Miss Johnson was no stranger to the world of modeling, and though she was only turning nineteen at the time, she handled her turn as Miss January 1993 like a seasoned pro. “Believe it or not, I can be moody, impatient and even a little bitchy,” she proclaims. “People keep asking me why I don’t go to Hollywood, but the starlet route has never appealed to me. I want more control over my life than that.” Back in Austin, the locals snapped up copies of Echo’s issue, even while those in Santa Fe decried it as filth. “I didn’t let it get to me,” says Echo with a shrug, of what she describes as “drop-dead looks” from potentially jealous women. “My free-spirited mother is solid as a rock.” In fact, it was Echo’s mother who always told her she could pose for Playboy – she’d told her daughter for years that she was pretty enough to be a Playmate, and we’re delighted that she saw fit to meet her destiny with Playboy. These days, Miss Johnson is a licensed esthetician in Orange County, and she uses her keen environmental awareness to choose products that suit the hair and skin as well as the planet. Saving the world, one pretty face at a time – that’s our Echo Johnson.
THENUDE biography:
As far as we know she began her nude modeling career in 2001. Echo Johnson has 24 covers, 24 photosets to her name.She goes by a number of aliases: Echo Johnson, Echo Leta Johnson and has modeled for these premium nude girl sites: PLAYBOY PLUS, MYSTIQUE-MAG, BLUENUDES, MACANDBUMBLE.
It seems she retired in 2011.
Web Links
- MACANDBUMBLE (Echo Johnson)
- MYSTIQUE-MAG (Echo Johnson)
- PLAYBOY PLUS (Echo Johnson)
Echo Johnson Covers
10 June 2011
Echo Johnson & Petra Verkaik & Victoria Zdrok & Victoria Silvstedt & Carrie Westcott & Shae Marks
as Carrie Westcott & Echo Leta Johnson & Petra Verkaik & Shae Marks & Victoria Nika Zdrok & Victoria Silvstedt
in "More Features - Playmates In Bed Classic 1998"
31 December 2010
Echo Johnson & Neriah Davis & Kerri Kendall & Danelle Marie Folta & Jaime Pressly & Suzi Simpson & Kimberly Donley
as Danelle Marie Folta & Echo Leta Johnson & Jaime Pressly & Kerri Kendall & Kimberly Donley & Neriah Davis & Suzi Simpson
in "Lingerie - Picnic Pleasures"
1 November 2010
Echo Johnson & Layla Harvest Roberts & Devin Devasquez & Laura Cover & Rhonda Adams & Nicole Narain & Irina Voronina & Jessa Lynn Hinton & Raquel Gibson & Jodi Ann Paterson & Brandi Bryant & Ashlee Jae & Alesha M. Oreskovich
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Alli Grove & Amanda Hanshaw & Amber Kyler & Angela Marie & Anna Lynn & Ashlee Jae & Brandi Bryant & Bree Morgan & Cara Wakelin & Carlie Christine & Cassie Keller & Cher Butler
in "Daily Double - November 2010"
1 September 2010
Echo Johnson & Devin Devasquez & Morena Corwin & Nicole Narain & Irina Voronina & Jessa Lynn Hinton & Jodi Ann Paterson & Neferteri Shepherd & Amanda Hanshaw & Ashlee Jae & Brie Anna & Alesha M. Oreskovich & Alinna D. Penta
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Alinna D. Penta & Amanda Hanshaw & Anna Lynn & Ashlee Jae & Brie Anna & Brittany Leigh & Cara Wakelin & Carlie Christine & Cassie Keller & Cherie Witter & Chernise Yvette & Cher
in "Daily Double - September 2010"
31 January 2010
Echo Johnson & Charis Boyle & Victoria Silvstedt & Anna Rose Chang
as Anna Rose Chang & Charis Boyle & Echo Leta Johnson & Victoria Silvstedt
in "Lingerie - Sexy In The City"
19 June 2009
Barbara Moore & Echo Johnson & Petra Verkaik & Kalin Olson & Jessica Lee & Lisa Marie Scott & Laura Cover & Lindsey Vuolo & Heather Spytek & Lani Todd & Miriam Gonzalez & Angel Boris
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Angel Boris & Barbara Moore & Brooke Richards & Christina Leardini & Danelle Marie Folta & Echo Leta Johnson & Heather Spytek & Jessica Lee & Kalin Olson & Karin Taylor & Kelly
in "More Features - Wet and Wild Playmates"
19 July 2008
Echo Johnson & Abigail Toyne & Sydney Moon & Gina Patrone & Christina Leardini & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Jessica Humphries & Heidi Lee Hawking
as Abigail Toyne & Christina Leardini & Echo Leta Johnson & Gina Patrone & Heidi Lee Hawking & Jessica Humphries & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Sydney Moon
in "More Features - January Birthdays"
9 October 2007
Echo Johnson & Elke Jeinsen & Jenny McCarthy & Alesha M. Oreskovich & Carrie Westcott & Arlene Baxter & Jennifer J. Lavoie & Jennifer LeRoy & Julianna Young & Kimberly Donley & Leisa Sheridan & Nicole Wood
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Arlene Baxter & Carrie Westcott & Echo Leta Johnson & Elke Jeinsen & Jennifer J. Lavoie & Jennifer LeRoy & Jenny McCarthy & Julianna Young & Kimberly Donley & Leisa Sheridan & Nicole Wood
in "Playmate Review 1993 - Features"
1 March 2004
Echo Johnson & Victoria Fuller & Brittany Evans & Kalin Olson & Laura Cover & Lindsey Vuolo & Christina L Santiago & Shallan Meiers & Dalene Kurtis & Charis Boyle & Buffy Tyler & Jennifer Walcott & Jodi Ann Paterson & Nicole Marie Lenz & Elke Jeinsen & Christi Nicole Taylor & Carrie Jean Yazel & Anika Knudsen & Brooke Richards & Angela Little & Becky DelosSantos
as Angela Little & Anika Knudsen & Becky DelosSantos & Brittany Evans & Brooke Richards & Buffy Tyler & Carrie Jean Yazel & Charis Boyle & Christi Nicole Taylor & Christina L. Santiago & Dalene Kurtis
in "Daily Double - March 2004"
1 July 2003
Echo Johnson & Kalin Olson & Christi Shake & Irina Voronina & Nichole Van Croft & Cara Michelle & Brooke Berry & Heather Kozar & Angel Boris & Alesha M. Oreskovich & Carrie Westcott & Bonnie Marino
as Alesha M. Oreskovich & Angel Boris & Bonnie Marino & Brooke Berry & Candace Collins & Cara Michelle & Carrie Westcott & Christi Shake & Echo Leta Johnson & Elan Carter & Heather Kozar & India Allen
in "Daily Double - July 2003"
1 January 2003
Barbara Moore & Echo Johnson & Jessica Lee & Morena Corwin & Angel Boris & Karin Taylor & Stacy Sanches & Nicole Wood & Priscilla Lee Taylor
as Angel Boris & Barbara Moore & Echo Leta Johnson & Jessica Lee & Karin Taylor & Morena Corwin & Nicole Wood & Priscilla Lee Taylor & Stacy Sanches
16 May 2001
Echo Johnson
as Echo Johnson
in "Echo"
31 January 1997
Barbara Moore & Echo Johnson & Anna Marie Goddard & Jami Ferrell & Angela Melini & Nadine Chanz & Priscilla Lee Taylor & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Shauna Sand
as Angela Melini & Anna-Marie Goddard & Barbara Moore & Echo Leta Johnson & Jami Ferrell & Nadine Chanz & Priscilla Lee Taylor & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Shauna Sand
in "Classics - Heart Couture"
31 December 1992
Echo Johnson
as Echo Leta Johnson
in "Playmate of the Month January 1993 - Echo Leta Johnson"
as Echo Johnson
in "After Hours"
46 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Evening Affair"
38 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Forever Diamonds"
13 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Just Beads"
14 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Poolside Set1"
52 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Poolside Set2"
52 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Sampler Set"
16 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Strawberries & Cream"
37 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Thigh Highs Set1"
38 images
as Echo Johnson
in "Thigh Highs Set2"
37 images
Echo Johnson Galleries
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